Higher Education Admission Software Salesforce Experience Cloud- Recommendation Letters

Many colleges and universities require prospective students to submit letters of recommendation as part of their applicant process. How can institutions use higher education admissions software from Enrollment Rx and Salesforce's Experience Cloud to collect recommender information in an applicant portal?

2023-01-30T11:55:54-07:00July 27th, 2019|

Salesforce for Admissions Experience Cloud- Collect Education History

When applying to colleges and universities, applicants are required to provide information about their previous high school or college education. How can your institution use Salesforce for admissions Experience Cloud to deliver an applicant portal that can collect educational history information, while ensuring data quality and integrity?

2023-01-23T09:44:27-07:00July 26th, 2019|

Higher Education CRM Salesforce’s Experience Cloud- Applicant Portal Forms and Pages

How can you use Salesforce's Experience Cloud to create the necessary forms and pages that should be part of your higher education CRM applicant portal? Learn how colleges and universities can create navigable, dynamic pages in an applicant portal. With our tool, institutions can rapidly configure the necessary logic and complexity to deliver highly personalized applicant portal experiences.

2023-01-23T08:45:39-07:00July 25th, 2019|

College Admission Management Software Salesforce Experience Cloud- Applicant Portal Components

What are the Lightning Web Components (LWC) that your college admission management software should include as part of an applicant portal experience? How can higher education institutions best deliver a world-class, personalized applicant portal homepage on Salesforce's Experience Cloud? Learn how our out-of-the-box widgets transform Salesforce into a dynamic applicant portal experience for all prospective students.

2023-09-26T08:22:15-07:00July 24th, 2019|

College Admission Management Software Salesforce Experience Cloud- Applicant Portal Components

What are the Lightning Web Components (LWC) that your college admission management software should include as part of an applicant portal experience? How can higher education institutions best deliver a world-class, personalized applicant portal homepage on Salesforce's Experience Cloud? Learn how our out-of-the-box widgets transform Salesforce into a dynamic applicant portal experience for all prospective students.

2023-01-23T08:30:10-07:00July 24th, 2019|

CRM for University Admissions Salesforce Experience Cloud- Call to Action

How can higher education use Enrollment Rx and Salesforce's Experience Cloud CRM for university admissions to deliver a "Call to Action" in the applicant portal? See how our "Apply Now" Widget can dynamically render the appropriate content and links for each applicant as they progress through the enrollment process.

2023-01-23T08:51:07-07:00July 23rd, 2019|

Higher Education Enrollment Software Salesforce Experience Cloud- Personalized Applicant Portal Images

How can colleges and universities use Salesforce's Experience Cloud to deliver a personalized applicant portal experience, complete with dynamic images that can change depending on configurable criteria? See how Enrollment Rx's Slider Widget can dynamically render the appropriate pictures and images for each applicant in their applicant portal.

2023-01-23T09:04:15-07:00July 22nd, 2019|

Higher Education Admission Software Salesforce Experience Cloud- Application Status

In recruitment and admissions, prospective students often don't know the real-time status of their application for admission. How can your institution use Salesforce's Experience Cloud higher education admission software to display the real-time admissions status for each applicant in their portal experience?

2023-01-23T08:59:33-07:00July 21st, 2019|

Higher Education Salesforce for Admissions Experience Cloud- Counselor Contact

In recruitment and admissions, prospective students often don't know who to contact with questions about their enrollment process. How can colleges and universities use Salesforce's Experience Cloud to display the appropriate counselor contact information for each applicant in their portal experience?

2023-01-23T09:05:51-07:00July 20th, 2019|

Higher Education CRM Salesforce Experience Cloud- Applicant Requirements

How can colleges and universities use Salesforce's Experience Cloud to display and collect dynamic checklist requirements as part of an applicant portal experience? How will applicants know which admissions requirements to submit? Can checklist items differ by type of applicant?

2023-01-20T09:11:47-07:00July 19th, 2019|