At Enrollment Rx, we often hear the following complaint from schools when talking about their legacy CRM for higher education:

Our functional and operational teams are unable to make changes to our recruitment and admissions CRM for higher education, often requiring IT involvement for even small things.

It reminds us of the game called “Broken Telephone”. You know the game, where everybody sits in a circle and one person whispers a phrase into the ear of the next person. By the time the phrase has passed all the way around the circle, the message has become gobbled. So is it similar in CRM for higher education. Operational teams in recruitment and admissions know what they want their systems to do, however, often the explanations to the developers and technologists on the IT teams are lost in translation.

The people who know what the rules should be in the CRM for higher education are forced to explain their vision to people who often don’t understand the full relevance of the requirements.  The resulting work-product does not always meet end-user specifications in the first (few) round/s of delivery. Worse yet, the original requirements may have changed since the initial request, throwing further disarray into the mix. The result is that IT teams are constantly scrambling to respond to an endless sea of requests to modify, enhance, and upgrade existing applications, Broken Telephone games and all. And so this vicious cycle continues.

How can we end this painful loop?

What if operational teams were empowered to create and modify the rules that govern automation and workflow in the CRM for higher education? This concept is commonly referred to as “clicks-not-code” (or “clicks-low-code”) configurability and customizations. Operational and functional teams are thirsting for the ability to control their recruitment and admissions systems, however historically, these systems required significant technology expertise in order to support day-to-day needs of enrollment management. At Enrollment Rx, we believe that the people who know the rules should be able to make the rules in the CRM for higher education. With that philosophy always in mind, we build products that empower functional administrators to take full control of their recruitment and admissions CRM needs on Salesforce. Let us show you how we make Salesforce a R.A.D. solution for institutions like yours. Contact us to learn more about Enrollment Rx’s superior CRM for higher education.