Bill, Billie, William, Will – does your CRM know who is duplicate record?

Duplicate records are the scourge of every CRM administrator’s life. Unfortunately, there is no single silver bullet to eliminate duplicate records 100%. That said, we can and must do everything in our power to fight back as hard as possible.

To win this war, we must first know where these duplicate vermin breed. There are several potential cracks through which these pests can slip, specifically:

  • Manual Entry – A staff member manually enters data
  • Inquiry Forms – A prospect submits an RFI form
  • Event Registration – A prospect registers for an open house, campus visit, etc.
  • Applicant Portal (Communities) Log-in – A prospect registers to log into their portal
  • Data Imports – import of search lists, test scores, 3rd party apps etc.
  • Relationships – A prospect provides related contacts (mother, father, recommender, etc.)
  • SIS Integration – creates duplicates in CRM and/or SIS

It is important that a school’s CRM system effectively addresses each area of potential duplicates. At Enrollment Rx, we have identified where duplicates come from. We close these gaps for our clients by leveraging Salesforce’s duplicate management machinery to stop duplicates in their tracks. How is your school dealing with these issues to avoid being “duped”?