Do you want to build an applicant portal on Salesforce Experience Cloud? What are the features in your college admission management software that your prospective students/applicants would need to see?

Display Admissions Status

Do your applicants know where they are in the process?  Most schools want to display the appropriate admissions status to each applicant when they log in to the portal. This allows the applicant to clearly see where they are in the enrollment process. As each applicant progresses, their admissions status should of course update in the college admission management software to reflect their current step in the process.

Display Checklist Items

Do your applicants know what’s still missing from their application? Admissions processes can be fraught with complexity when it comes to various items that applicants need to submit as part of their application. These checklist items can include anything from essays and transcripts to test scores, recommendation letters and resumes. Since differing programs or applicants may have different requirement types, the portal needs to display the appropriate checklist items to each applicant at the appropriate time.

Display Assigned Counselor

Do your applicants know their counselor’s contact information? Many schools assign dedicated admissions counselors to each applicant to help them through the admissions process. The college admission management software and applicant portal should automatically differentiate the assigned counselor based on any criteria and display the appropriate counselor information.

Display Upcoming Events

Can your applicants register for upcoming events? Within the applicant portal, many schools want to display a listing of upcoming events. Of course, this list of events should be dynamic so as to only display events that are appropriate for each particular applicant based on any criteria.

Display Personalized Content

When it comes down to it, every college and applicant is different. The portal should have the flexibility to display dynamic content, including text, images, videos, and links, based on a variety of conditions. Perhaps an applicant was selected for a particular scholarship. Maybe you want new applicants to see a special greeting. Perhaps accepted applicants should see a congratulations message. The key ingredient in the college admission management software is the flexibility to deliver the appropriate applicant experience.

Display Social Media 

Many schools use social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, to communicate with the world. A well-placed video, message, or link might mean the difference between an enrolled student versus an abandoned application. The applicant portal should display appropriate social media content to each applicant based on any combination of configurable logic. Perhaps MBA applicants would see a video about the MBA program, while nursing school applicants would see a video about the nursing program.

Dynamic Page Navigation

Every college or university has different forms and application pages that make up the applicant experience. Further, these forms and pages may differ between types of applicants at the institution, such as undergraduate versus graduate. The college admission management software and applicant portal should have the ability to display the appropriate set of pages to each applicant, with dynamic capability to serve up additional pages whenever appropriate, based on configurable logic.

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