Many colleges and universities are focused on how to best engage prospective students during the recruitment and admissions process to maximize enrollment at their institutions. Enrollment Rx expands the technology that Salesforce provides to higher education for recruitment and admissions by delivering out-of-the-box tools that empower educational institutions to use the platform for enrollment comprehensively.

The Challenge

Unfortunately, too many organizations try to adapt software that has been developed for generic purposes to the needs of a particular industry, which in this case is higher education. At Enrollment Rx, our products were developed specifically for the needs of higher education as they pertain to using Salesforce for recruitment and admissions. Organizations find that Enrollment Rx’s tools are designed to readily empower operational staff and end-users rather than relying on teams of technical resources to support them.

The Appointment Management Solution for Recruitment and Admissions on Salesforce

In our latest product expansion, we developed appointment management functionality. Inspired by client requests from colleges and universities, the new functionality improves appointment scheduling and registration processes for recruitment, admissions, and other student services. The new features allow organizations that use Salesforce for recruitment and admissions to create and publish staff availability to external-facing calendars for 1-on-1 appointment registrations. Staff members can see all appointments in a single location on one calendar display in Salesforce, including optional integration with Google and Outlook calendars. Externally, potential appointment registrants can access and filter public-facing calendars, self-select, and sign-up for available time slots. The new functionality is made available as part of the Events Rx package and takes advantage of FormBuilder Rx technology to power the registration pages.

And while it is important to emphasize that we initially developed the functionality to serve the needs of Salesforce for recruitment and admissions, it is also worth noting that the functionality can be used by any Salesforce department or organization with similar use cases that wishes to publish appointments online.

Learn more about how your organization can use Salesforce, along with Google and Outlook, to manage appointments and events in this recent Press Release and contact us to request a demonstration.